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Kyoto Art Gallery

Portrait of &lemon


Artist’s Collection

Paint, and reconnect with nature

Stay Awake (A-#11) Stay Awake (A-#11)

The relationships between our feelings and the cycle of nature are important to my artwork.

For example, I consider “How water and sunlight circulate on the earth, how they relate to us humans, and what feelings and emotions are generated by them.”

In the process of creating my works, I always try to find out “why” and “how” about nature and myself.

Photography as a hobby Photography as a hobby

I used to paint landscapes before, but I really like to take photography, which led me to combine photos and painting like my current style.

I hate the fact that time passes so quickly.

So, when I capture emotional moments in my works, it's almost like I'm stepping into a time machine and reliving the feelings of that moment.

Creating works can slow down the flow of memory and time in my mind. For me, it’s an act of continuing to connect with nature and myself.

Capture the mystery of nature, express it with science and sense

I often traveled abroad when I was in college. But I often found that the places I wanted to visit were contaminated or already destroyed as cultural heritage by the time I arrived.

Back then, I felt like people were destroying more and more of what I dreamed of.

And I gradually became interested in learning about coexistence with nature.

So when creating works, I first consider how I can collaborate with natural phenomena.

I try to consider the effects of sunlight by using the unevenness of work texture and the reflection of light, and also try to figure out how to make the fluidity of paint and the cracks caused by drying into something meaningful.

Cherish your own pure world through art

Inspiring fusion of landscape and color Inspiring fusion of landscape and color

In life we sometimes lose ourselves, but the moment you feel “beautiful” and “pleasant” is your special one. There is no competition and no contest there.

I hope that I can create works that make people reflect on themselves and their own feelings every time they see them.

Artist’s Collection
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