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Kyoto Art Gallery

Portrait of germenevtika


Kseniia Antipina

Kseniia Antipina (artist name “germenevtika)” is a multimedia artist based in Berlin (born in 1992 in Russia).

She has got two degrees - the history of art in Kazan and graphic design in Moscow.

This rich foundation has led Kseniia to develop a keen eye for design, illustration, and branding, all of which inspire her to create one-of-a-kind photographic works.

Kseniia has participated in exhibitions in London, Cologne, Berlin, Ulm, Leipzig.

In 2021, she was honored with the Reclaim Award in Cologne.

In 2022 she joined the Pilotenkueche artist residency in Leipzig with the project about self-oppression.

Nowadays, she creates photography using self-made masks and costumes, practices analogue photography, and also creates designs and unique product photography for brands.

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