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Kyoto Art Gallery

Portrait of Yumi Takimoto

Yumi Takimoto

Artist’s Collection

“To paint the paints”

Although paint is generally considered as a tool for painting, I always “speak” with paint and try to paint the color itself.

When I was in junior high school, I asked my art teacher what it meant “to paint a picture”. The teacher told me that to paint a picture is “to tell a lie” because you use paint, a drawing material, and make it look like something different, even though it really is just material.

Yumi’s previous works Yumi’s previous works

The words from that teacher remained in my heart even after graduation and there was always a conflict in my mind, “Do I tell a lie on the canvas?”.

That's why I try to express the beauty of paint little by little. This has helped me to be honest with my art because I was freed from the idea of “lying.”

The paints and painting knives Yumi uses The paints and painting knives Yumi uses

I always use oil paint.

My first encounter with oil painting was when I was in high school, and I’m really attracted to the unique weight and thickness of oil paint.

Where Yumi paints Where Yumi paints

I often get so absorbed in my art and creativity that I can't remember the process of creation. But I always try to play and to talk with the paints to create my artworks and I just want to enjoy the coincidences that arise.

Therefore, I don't have a specific goal because the moment of completion comes naturally when I can enjoy the conversation with the paint.

frame no.4 frame no.4

It is also a characteristic of my works that when they are displayed in a room, only the paint seems to stand for itself, like the architectural structure.

Yumi’s previous works Yumi’s previous works

In art, there is no right answer, and the interpretation depends on the person.

My artworks have titles, but they only come from my point of view. The form and color of the work can remind you of something else depending on the person. I hope everyone enjoys how the “paint” looks on the canvas. The feelings may be different today than yesterday.

I think it's a very beautiful experience.

Artist’s Collection
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