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Kyoto Art Gallery

Portrait of Yusuke Onuma

Yusuke Onuma

Artist’s Collection

Like a video game or solving a puzzle

The words “inorganic” and “emotionless” would be suitable for my art works. I transform original landscapes and still life as I please, incorporating them into a single screen. This creative process is reminiscent of the sensation of clearing a video game or puzzle for me.


Creativity is my everyday life

I have always loved to draw.

It was fascinating for me to see paintings by Van Gogh, Picasso, and Matisse in my high school art textbooks, and I vaguely thought, “I want to make a living drawing pictures in the future.”

I moved to Tokyo to attend art school, but I quit halfway through. Over the next few years, I painted realistic portraits and sold them.

I became interested in the expression of “inorganic” and “emotionless” after being influenced by Damien Hirst’s series called “Spot Paintings,” where he paints evenly spaced dots on canvas.

Now, drawing has seamlessly become a part of my everyday routine. For me, it's on par with activities like brushing my teeth.


The place where I feel “art”

I feel a sense of “art” when I visit a garbage drop-off station.

The diverse ways trash is arranged and the variety of materials are very interesting for me.

I sometimes draw works using garbage as a motif. They are not very popular, though…

An installation work in which the artwork is placed in nature An installation work in which the artwork is placed in nature

My unique perspective on universal substance.

My works tend to have fairly traditional motifs, such as landscapes on tables and flowers.

However, my goal is to depict everything in the world in my unique style.

Artist’s Collection
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